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Oscar "Ozzie" Carrasquillo  Bda ‘70


"Sight de Rock"


It was dusk in the olde towne of St Georges in the fall on 1968. The sun was setting earlier and earlier. Some friends of mine and myself were behind St Peter's Church on one of those little 17th century quaint streets, very narrow. We were just talking there enjoying the evening when a rather distinguished looking workman, who happened to be black was passing by leading a work horse. He seemed to be coming in from the fields from a hard days work.


 I say distinguished because he was wearing one of those striped shirts one would wear with a Buster Brown collar around the turn of the century. only this time no collar We said " Good Evening to him and he replied likewise.  It was a surreal moment because as we were having the conversation amongst ourselves he was included in ours as he and the horse passed by. As I said the street was very narrow. As he turned the corner he said to us' "Sight de Rock" and was gone. So we all went to The White Horse Tavern for a bite and a brew and discussed "our friend " from the back of the Church with the bartender. He basically told us there is nobody around like that these days however, there used to be, quite awhile ago. So who did we see? Well the name escapes me but I will always remember' Sight de Rock" ..People Present: Ozzie Carrasquillo, Rudy Fox, Gary Anderson, Kevin Close & Jack Blackwell.

The End


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